
"What is your favourite treatment?" A question we are asked quite often.

In honesty, I love all treatments but for me, my true passion lies with all facials, having the opportunity to expand my skills to more advanced facial treatments is where I get really excited.

Ok so the name makes it sound a little scary... But don't let that put you off!

I'm going to delve in a bit deeper today and explain why I love this treatment. Not just to perform but to have and I'm yet to find anyone who has been disappointed with the results.

What is microneedling?

A form of Collagen Induction Therapy; our sterile bt-titan MN needling pen performs controlled micro-injuries to the skin which triggers the skin's natural wound healing response - it stimulates fibroblast cells signalling a boost in new collagen and elastin production within the dermis of your skin, not only that it stimulates growth factors to repair the skin too. This treatment can be used to treat; acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and helps to improve skin texture and luminosity.

Why would you choose this treatment?

In short, the results are incredible! You might still be thinking ouch, no thank you! I am a bit of a wimp myself and yes some areas do feel a little scratchy but I wouldn't say it's painful and it's not as scary as it sounds.

If the needles aren't for you right now or you just want to work on the skins texture and brightness then we can adapt the treatment using our nano tips instead of the needle tips (silicone micro-exfoliating pyramids) to perform a microexfoliation treatment, which resurfaces the skin and penetrates product into the deeper layers of the skin.

I love the results it gives, it's a natural process of your skin that we kick start and the recovery is quick too! You may look a little sun blushed after treatment but our bio-therapeutic bt-infusion Brightening Sheet Masque is immediately applied to soothe and hydrate your skin - this bit with a hand massage is bliss. I couldn't believe the improvement in my skin texture and luminosity and my fine lines reduced too. Our clients love their results just as much!

What results can you expect?

Everyones natural wound healing responds differently and this also depends on how many treatments you have, a course of three is usually the best but you will still see results with a one off treatment. The immediate benefits are the smoothness in texture and the plumping of fine lines, hydration levels really improve as well making the skin look fresh. A healthy skin is a key starting point before looking into this advanced treatment. I would recommend you start off with a consistent home care routine with the use of SPF50 daily and then speak to us so we can give you a more personal guide to which skin journey is best for you.

If you are interested in finding out more about this or any of the treatments we offer I would love to chat to you so just get in touch.

Taylor ♥️